What happens if you meet the RIGHT person at the WRONG time? Nell and Van meet as children when their parents fall in love, but soon they are forced worlds apart. Five years later, they find each other. Their bond is rekindled and new feelings take hold, but once again they have to separate. For the next two decades, fate brings Nell and Van together every five years, as life and circumstance continue to divide them. Will they ever find true happiness? And will it be together? ‘One day, maybe five years from now, you’ll look back and understand why this happened…’
My Review:
Rating: 5/5 stars
I borrowed this audiobook from Libby (the library app) because I have seen loads of people raving about Paige Toon and her books but I've never read one! I've finally read (listened to) my first Paige Toon book and as you can see from my rating I absolutely loved it!
My hour drive to Uni was the perfect time to listen to it because I could get through so much of it. I actually finished this book after completing a presentation assessment and it was a great ending to a stressful day. Nell and Van are such great characters. Having been brought together by their parents and then wrenched a part again changed both of their lives forever. I loved that it was set in Cornwall, a place that really means a lot to me. Toon has a great way of describing setting. Every 5 years Van and Nell are brought together again and every time so many emotions overwhelmed me. I've seen a lot of reviews that say they don't like the ending but this ending opened my eyes as so many books do. What happens if you meet the RIGHT person at the WRONG time? This does happen for a lot of people and I thought the realistic ending was perfect. I really loved all the characters in this book and they all played important parts.
Morally I found my self in a bit of a dilemma. It took me a little while to resolve it with myself because Van and Nell were step-siblings for 5 years and if certain circumstances hadn't happened they would have been brought up as brother and sister. But that wasn't the case and I got over it. I really liked that there was an author storyline with Nell being a children's author because it always gives me hope! It was such a joyful read and I really can't wait to read more of Paige Toon's books!