As a nurse, my patients come first. This crazy old lady included. I'm the only one who can take care of her. It doesn't hurt that her son is gorgeous. I want to give myself to him, if only his ex was out of the way. He offers me money, a job in the house with him. I don't trust myself to take it, but I'm too drawn to him to say no.
I've got a real estate empire. And swimsuit model girlfriend to go with it. I take care of everyone in my family. My crazy old mother included. Her nurse makes my head spin and my pants tight. Inviting her to work in my home is trouble. But I love trouble.
My Review:
Rating: 2/5 stars.
I received this book as an ARC about a year ago (yes, I'm a bad person for leaving it so long) and today I was going through my kindle to see if there were any quick reads that I could spend my Friday reading. At only 100 pages I thought this was perfect.
I have to say I'm not really sure how to review this book. From the title you'd think it was going to be very steamy but there was only one sex scene and the rest was just suggestive flirting. Jenna, one of the main characters is a nurse and is very good at caring for a very stubborn older lady who happens to have a rich and handsome son who wants her to care for his mother privately. Georgia, the mother is probably the only character that had any substance.
It really confuses me how you can fit 5 years into a 100 page book? Because it didn't really work. When there seemed to be some substance to the story it quickly disappeared and months had past. Reginald was rude of course at the beginning and flashing his cash around but by the end he was a loveable puppy. Also I found how women were presented in this book to be troubling. There was the bitchy ex who pretends to be pregnant and ruins his business and then Jenna who can stand her own but runs away every time things get tough. But of course the male characters are resilient and so noble and always so eager to face their problems head on. How realistic.
I must have enjoyed it to some extent because I read it very quickly. It was an easy read but lacked substance.