When Rowan comes across the advert, it seems too good to be true: a live-in nanny position, with an extremely generous salary. What she doesn't know is that she's stepping into a nightmare – one that will end with her in a cell awaiting trial for murder. She knows she's made mistakes. But she's not guilty – at least not of murder. Which means someone else is...
My Review:
Rating: 5/5 stars.
I kept seeing this book and had to get it! I also saw that Behind the Blurb Bookclub were reading it for November so thought it was the perfect time to read it. From the very first page I was scared, it doesn't take much but I love a good thriller. I thought the letters at the beginning and the end of the book were really unique and really helped ease us into the story. Technically the whole book is a letter to a solicitor. The main character is a nanny and finds the dream job up in Scotland but of course not everything is at it seems. I couldn't read this book when it got dark because I got too scared! I love thrillers that focus on the supernatural because it makes for a much spookier read.
I enjoyed the setting in the modern/victorian house with the family. I kept thinking about how the family Rowan nannied for had four girls! Imagine having 4 girls... Ware's writing is brilliant and I read a huge chunk of the book in a day. This is my first book by Ware and I really hope to read more of her books after reading this one! There are a couple of twist that I really didn't expect and I was literally sitting there with my mouth open in shock because I didn't see it coming. I liked that the ending explained everything and was all neatly concluded without any questions for me.
I found it really lovely to be apart of the book club and be able to discuss the book with a lot of lovely people yesterday evening and to see all the different opinions and ideas. I recommend this book to those that love a good thriller that deals with the supernatural!