We live in a culture of limitless choice - and life is now more complex than ever. In This Too Shall Pass, acclaimed psychotherapist Julia Samuel draws on hours of conversations with her patients to show how we can learn to adapt and thrive during our most difficult and transformative experiences. Illuminated by the latest social and psychological research, this book unflinchingly deals with the hard times in family, love, work, health and identity.
From a woman deciding whether to leave her husband for a younger lover, to a father handling a serious medical diagnosis. And from a new mother struggling with the decision to return to work, to a young man dealing with the aftermath of coming out, and a woman starting over after losing her job.
These powerful, unforgettable and deeply intimate stories about everyday people will inform our understanding of our own unique response to change and enlighten the way we approach challenges at every stage of life.
My Review:
Rating: 4/5 stars
Firstly, I'd like to thank @tandemcollectiveuk @penguinlifebooks and @juliasamuelmbe for the gifted copy for a chance to be apart of the Tandem readalong! It was interesting to see what everyone else thought.
I really found this non-fiction read very helpful. Each chapter was insightful and I definitely learnt a lot from it. Each chapter focused on a different topic and my favourite chapters were 'family' and 'love' because I could relate to them the most. I learnt a lot of techniques that I can use in my own relationships.
Each chapter had different 'case studies' of different clients' journeys through therapy, focusing on the challenges of change. Then the end of each chapter was a reflection which was my favourite part of each chapter and where I found the most important information.
Julia Samuel's is a brilliant author as well as a psychotherapist. I am currently listening to the audio book of her other book, Grief Works with my partner on car journeys.