The following collection is a story told within poems to an ex. This story does not have a happy ending, in fact, it has no ending. Please be warned that you will experience a roller coaster of emotions that may not make sense. Or maybe you might find yourself within these pages of heartbreak. They are messy, unreliable and possibly insane. Just the way life usually is.
My Review:
Rating: 5/5 stars.
It was two years ago when I first read this book and I loved it then. For Nicole's Birthday she released an edited version of her book that I loved even more! This book literally broke my heart. It tells the story through poems/letters for an ex. I have a paperback copy of the original book and couldn't help comparing it to the new version. The added poems add some much to this story. I really loved what Nicole did the with Button Up/ Button Down poem as it gave it such much more depth and I actually had tears. The amount of emotion poured into this book is amazing and it explores so many. Grief, heartbreak, anger, guilt and so much more! The front cover is so much brighter and the layout inside is great. The font is nice and normal size. It has much more of a polished feel. Also a huge thank you to Nicole for mentioning me in the acknowledgements! Amy x