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Book Review: Great Goddesses by Nikita Gill

Writer: Amy LittlefordAmy Littleford

Empowering life lessons from myths and monsters.

Wonder at Medusa's potent venom, Circe's fierce sorcery and Athena rising up over Olympus, as Nikita Gill majestically explores the untold stories of the life bringers, warriors, creators, survivors and destroyers that shook the world - the great Greek Goddesses. Vividly re-imagined and beautifully illustrated, step into an ancient world transformed by modern feminist magic.

'I watch Girl become Goddess

and the metamorphosis is more

magnificent than anything

I have ever known.'

My Review:

Rating: 5/5 stars.

I won this book in an Instagram Giveaway about 2 months ago and I am so happy to have finally picked it up. It was such a joy to read this anthology full of poetry and prose, flash fiction and short stories, that all focus on Greek Mythology!

I have always enjoyed Greek Mythology even though I've only ever read Percy Jackson (still need to read the last book which this book has inspired me to put on my reading list for this month!) but this really helped me understand who is who with a really handy glossary at the back which I checked for each new God/Goddess, mortal or monster. This book is like giving a modern twist to greek mythology. Giving Goddesses a greater voice as well as other women mentioned. Telling each persons story in a new way that we have never read before. Giving war Gods feelings, and Gorgons sacred purposes, and monsters pure loyalty. Even giving Hades a soft side that can love. Even the stories of Greek Mythology becomes relatable and we turn our heartbreak into how Zeus betrayed Hera giving it that sacred distance that we all need.

I have to mention the art that accompanied a lot of the pieces in this book and they are beautiful! My favourite has to be the drawing of Medusa! It really was such a pleasure to read such good writing and I love how Gill used a unique theme for this book and look forward to read more of her books in the future.


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