A poem is a ray of hope, a friend who is as messed up as you but knows you better than the rest of the world. From the author of the celebrated poetry collection, Loveish comes this two book poetry series, The Art Of Staying Lost. Lover is the first in the series features love poems and notes. Lost, the second book in the series features poetry and prose about healing and letting go. Hearts break everyday but once in a lifetime we all go through an earth shattering one. Loneliness can be an alchemist, this despair is also a gift. Your heart maybe irreparably broken right now but this suffering is not permanent. Exploring every aspect of healing after a heartbreak, the poetry in in this collection implores you to heal and grieve at your own pace, until you don't have to anymore.
My Review:
Rating: 5/5 stars.
I am very privileged to be the first person to hold a physical copy of this beautiful book. I want to thank Sakshi for trusting me with her proof copy and I'm very grateful for getting the chance to read this ARC.
"I want to stop screaming poetry into the atmosphere where words crash and burn"
When I read Sakshi's first book, Loveish, I thought that was the best formatted poetry collection I had ever read but Sakshi has beaten herself with this book. The interior is absolutely stunning and I cannot imagine the amount of work went into creating this beautiful collection. All the small details that must have taken so many painstaking minutes, hours, days, months!
"a notorious poem in the sky about you
floating somewhere without coordinates"
This collection explores love in such an intense way that you can literally feel the emotions playing out. It speaks of heartbreak, lust, letting go, clinging on, the pain that comes with not being loved in return. I could go on. Some of the poems felt like a battle against each other. One would speak of letting go and wanting to be forgotten but then another you could feel the intense pain of being replaced, wondering if they still think of you. It felt like a battle between the brain and the heart and I absolutely loved it! I also loved how Sakshi incorporated her culture in this collection as it gave the book a richer meaning.
"Why does art stab my heart like a knife and make it bleed blue?"
My favourite pieces are Pomegranates and Cassiopeia! It was lovely to see the season incorporated into the book throughout! If you enjoy poetry then I really recommend this collection. It releases on 30th October so not long to wait! If you would like to pre-order an ebook copy then click here!
You can find more information about Sakshi's books and other projects on her website.