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Book Review: Tainted Lionheart by Christine Weimer

Writer: Amy LittlefordAmy Littleford

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

Tainted Lionheart is a collection that focuses on the progressive phases of heartache. Broken into three parts, Christine Weimer takes you on a journey through the bruising and brooding of pain- and the process to which we breathe through it. It speaks to a vast audience in representation of the mess-to-mending of heart. It gives voice to those who need to be reminded that it is okay to hurt, and it is okay to be angry. But it is imperative that you find our inner-strength so that you may let go, rise, and begin anew. The compilation of poetry and prose works you through the motions of honing your inner lionheart by understanding that you are brave enough to recognize hurt, work through your anger, and find ways of acceptance. Though life may taint us, we all have a lion, or lioness, within us.

My Review:

Rating: 4/5 stars.

Firstly, I'd like to thank Christine for gifting me a copy of her debut anthology for an honest review. This collection of poetry has three main chapters: Bruising, Brooding and Breathing. I love the title of the book and what a Lioness represents. I always love reading a female poet that can express herself so clearly as Christine has done in this collection.

There is pain and healing in this collection. Honesty and an understanding of how life's lessons have helped Christine to grow, how they have shaped her. I just want to put it out there that I loved this collection. Tainted Lionheart is full of long form poetry which is very scarce in modern poetry anthologies so thank you, Christine, for breaking the mold! Of course there is short and medium length poetry as well which adds a fresh breath for the reader. I also appreciated that each piece had a title and as a reader I could feel that time had been put into the structure of the book and each poem. This anthology explores so many important feelings that I related to completely. Every piece shows Christine's vulnerability but also her strength. I followed her fight through every page and was rooting for her the whole time. There are three parts to this book which divides the poems up nicely. I was very happy to see each poem had a clear title that related to the piece. I have many favourite pieces from this anthology but I have to say my number one has to be 'Mother's Words' which touched my heart. It spoke of how a mother will guide you but you will learn that she is always right when you fail to listen to her. Overall, a brilliant read that I recommend to poetry readers!


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